Association of IceCube neutrinos with major blazar flares Seminario della dott.ssa Caterina Vozzi (direttrice del CNR-IFN) su Attosecond Science (Premio Nobel per la Fisica 2023) XXXIV International School “Francesco Romano” on Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics Italian Quantum Weeks 2022

XXXII cycle

CourseProfessorMaterialCourse Outlines
Management and knowledge of
European research model and promotion of research results
Prof.ssa D'Orazio AlessiaSlidesOutline
How to prepare a technical speech in EnglishProf.ssa White CarmelaOutline
LabView introductory CourseProf. Gargano FabioSlidesOutline
Programing with Python for Data ScienceProf. Diacono DomenicoSlidesOutline
C++Prof. Francesco CafagnaSlidesOutline
Renormalization of field theoriesProf.ssa De Fazio FulviaProgramOutline
Gas detectorsProf. Antonio Ranieri
Prof. Tessarotto
Dott. Piet Verwilligen
LCH phenomenologyProf. Michele Gallinaro
Prof. Nicola Defilippis
Interpolation Methods e techniques for Exsperimental Data AnalysisProf. Alexis PompiliSlidesOutline
Statistical and computational model for physics data analysisProf.ssa Sonia TangaroSlidesOutline
Linear Stability analysis Prof. Giuseppe Gonnella Outline
Lévy processes and applications Prof. Nicola Cufaro PetroniMaterialOutline
Introduction to parallel Computing and GPU Programming using CUDAProf. Felice PantaleoSlidesOutline