For the XXXVI cycle, in addition to the tradition local courses, an academic collaboration is initiated among various PhD schools in physics (UNIBA, UNISALENTO, UNINA, UNICAMPANIA, UNIPA) to share common training programs. In particular, the following topics were selected:
- Particle detector and trigger;
- Quantum Information, quantum computation and quantum Imaging;
- Astrophysics of compact objects;
- Fundamental interaction, QCD and BSM;
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning;
- Signals formation and treatment in particle detectors;
- Statistical physics for complex systems;
- Experimental High-Energy Astroparticle Physics.
For each topic, a course is proposed consisting of several teaching modules held by qualified lectures from different institutes.
Course | Course tipology | Material | Course Syllabus |
How to prepare a technical speech in English | Bari course | Outline |
Programing with Python for Data Science | Bari course | Outline |
Introduction to C++ programming | Bari course | Outline |
LabView: introduction and a data acquisition | Bari course | Outline |
Montecarlo simulation with the GEANT 4 code | Bari course | Outline |
Hadron physics | Bari course | Outline |
Physics of Neutrinos | Bari course | Outline |
Nuclear Astrophysics | Bari course | Outline |
Hollow core wave guide devices | Bari course | Outline |
Atom-photon interactions | Bari course | Outline |
Physics and Laser Applications | Bari course | Outline |
Quantum information, quantum computation and quantum imaging | BA-LE-NA course | Outline | |
Multi messenger and particle astrophysics of compact object | BA-LE-NA course | Outline | |
Fundamental interaction: QCD and BSM | BA-LE-NA course | Outline | |
Particle Detectors, Trigger/DAQ | BA-LE-NA course | Outline | |
Signals formation and treatment in particle detectors | BA-LE-NA course | Outline | |
Statistical Physics for Complex System | BA-NA- UNICAMPANIA course | Outline | |
Experimental High-Energy Astroparticle Physics | BA-LE-PA course | Outline | |
Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning | BA-LE-NA course | Outline |