Association of IceCube neutrinos with major blazar flares Seminario della dott.ssa Caterina Vozzi (direttrice del CNR-IFN) su Attosecond Science (Premio Nobel per la Fisica 2023) XXXIV International School “Francesco Romano” on Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics Italian Quantum Weeks 2022

Dottorato in Fisica XXXVIII Ciclo – Borse PNRR

     Decreto approvazione atti e graduatoria di merito



Calendario Prove Orali

Martedì 03 gennaio 2023, ore 10:00 AM (Rome, CEST), Aula A o Piattaforma Microsoft Teams | LINK PROVA ONLINE

I candidati saranno esaminati nell’ordine indicato nel seguente documento:

Tuesday 3rd January 2023, 10:00 AM (Rome, CEST), Aula A or online (Microsoft Teams)  | LINK ONLINE INTERVIEW

The candidates will be interviewed in the following order:

Interview schedule for Innovation and Green PhD Programme in Physics Cycle XXXVIII

The following candidates who have applied for “Innovation and Green PhD Programme in Physics – Cycle XXXVII” positions are admitted to the interview that will take place on 8th November 2021 at 11:00 a.m. , Rome, (CEST)

All the candidates will be interviewed remotely on Microsoft Teams platform (channel code: sfoz7qs) at the scheduled time.

Monday, 8th November 2021, 11:00 , Rome, (CEST)

  • Buci Rozanna
  • de la Fuente Rosales Gabriel
  • Lorusso Leonarda
  • Maghami Moghim
  • Piscitelli Matteo
  • Mushtaq Ruqyyah
  • Valdes Jorge Luis


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