Identifying the most likely sources for high-energy neutrino emission has been one of the main topics in high-energy astrophysics ever since the first observation of high-energy neutrinos by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. Active galactic nuclei with relativistic jets pointing close to our
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La dott.ssa Caterina Vozzi, attuale direttrice dell’Istituto di Fotonica e Nanotecnologie del CNR e vincitrice di un prestigioso progetto ERC sull’imaging molecolare ultraveloce, ci introdurrà alla Scienza dell’Attosecondo (Premio Nobel per la Fisica 2023) e illustrerà come utilizzando impulsi laser agli attosecondi
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Join us for the XXXIV edition of the International School “Francesco Romano” on Nuclear, Subnuclear, and Astroparticle Physics! When: September 17-24, 2023 Where: Monopoli, Bari, Italy Organized by the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) in collaboration with the Department of Physics
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