PhD Course New Portal Association of IceCube neutrinos with major blazar flares Seminario della dott.ssa Caterina Vozzi (direttrice del CNR-IFN) su Attosecond Science (Premio Nobel per la Fisica 2023) XXXIV International School “Francesco Romano” on Nuclear, Subnuclear and Astroparticle Physics

“Management and Knowledge of European Research Model” course prize awarded

In the framework of the PhD course on “Management and knowledge of European research model”, the Bari PhD School of Physics opened a call among the XXXI cycle students for  “The best project proposal”. Within this competition, each of the PhD students have structured a project proposal, using theMarie SkŁodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship” template.  The prize was awarded to Marilena Giglio who won an iPad mini!

